I'm the guy who made Jeff the Killer. Send all hate mail to here!

Jeff Case @killerjeff

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/7/06

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killerjeff's News

Posted by killerjeff - May 21st, 2008

I was 16 years old and I had experienced and taken many different kinds of drugs in my life and have had some wonderful experiences overall. I've smoked pot for a few years, taken all kinds of pills, mushrooms, XTC, nitrous oxide, and snorted coke even... NOTHING could prepare me for the nightmare I was about to experience that night.

I had wanted to try Acid for a long time. I had heard all sorts of 'enlightening' experiences from my friends. I had heard stories about seeing crazy visions, colors, beautiful things, and so on. I figured I'd give it a try sometime or another just to see what all the fuss was about. My parents decided to go away on a trip for two days so they left me by myself to watch our pets. I called around and was finally able to find some Acid the night before they were coming home. After waiting for hours, I got a call from my friend (I'll call him J) saying he was going to go pick it up from the dealer for me. When he finally arrived, he and his friend (I'll call him D) came in with not only 3 hits of Acid, but also some crushed powder XTC that came wrapped in a small bag. The Acid came on three very small pieces of thin paper with the faces of the band Gorillaz on them. It was also wrapped in alluminum foil for protection.

I took my first hit of Acid with J and he took his one hit too around 1:30 in the morning. J wasn't very excited because he had taken Acid many times before and had told me it did nothing to him. After waiting a while, I started to notice things more. The first thing I noticed was how detailed the carpet was. The designs seemed to go on forever and the patterns became much sharper and more detailed than ever before. While J and D were talking, I lay down on the sofa and stared up at the ceiling fan. I noticed the strangest thing about it--these little diamonds appeared around the fan blades and began to almost melt onto the ceiling in a green, liquid type form. I thought this was extremely cool, but J and D didn't seem to care.

After some time passed, we went outside to smoke some Pot that D had brought with him. I had a pretty good amount of it, and it was fairly good stuff so I was fairly high when we were done which didn't really seem to do anything to the Acid effects at all.

We decided to go upstairs and relax for a little while in the room where our computer is. We moved our small TV up to that room and put on some movies to help pass the time. I took my second hit of Acid around that time during one of the movies. I waited a while and still did not notice anything different other than the lights on the ceiling and the patterns on the carpet from before in the living room. Feeling let down, J gave me the XTC powder and told me I'd enjoy that much more. I took the powder which was very gross and just figured the Acid was fake and we'd been ripped off. The dealer wasn't very trustworthy anyway according to many people so I figured we had either gotten some very weak Acid or it was completely fake. I waited some more time and then began to feel the familar effects of XTC kick in. By this time, J and D were bored and tired and decided to leave. BIG MISTAKE!

I came upstairs after they left (by now it was close to 4 a.m.) and decided to just enjoy listening to music at full volume and roll on the XTC until it wore off and I could go to sleep. Then it happened. The first thing I began to notice was that the mouse on the computer had trails on it (some people call these tracers) and it was like the mouse was moving in slow motion. The next thing I remember was that I looked over down the upstairs hallway at the smoke detector and saw it melt right off the wall! I looked again and it was there again as if nothing had happened. The Acid was DEFINITELY real, and I at the time was thrilled.

I looked at the knobs on the computer speakers and they started to throb and pulse, like a heart beating almost. I looked over at some of the posters we have in the room near the computer. One of them was a picture of a street in Germany with a castle tower and vines growing in the corner of the picture. I remember seeing the vines crawling out of the picture towards me. The tower looked three dimensional, as if I could reach out and grab it and also the people in the picture began to walk but were standing still at the same time. I looked at the clouds in the sky of the picture and a face formed in the cloud and smiled at me. I felt very strange all over at the same time. Part of me was enjoying how nice everything was to the touch (the computer chair, the desk, the pillow I was holding, etc.).

I looked over at another picture and saw similar effects. This time, it was a photo of a castle somewhere in Europe. The snow on the towers of the castle seemed to move and form around the towers as if it was snowing that very second. The lights on the inside of the castle seemed to brighten as well. I picked up an old poster my sister used to have on her wall that said 'believe your dreams' and I most definitely was at that point because the Unicorn in the picture started moving and the girly looking rainbow starting glowing along with the letters.

I sat in that room for what felt like ages, when really it was only about 10 minutes. I played some of the weirdest techno/electronic music, which really enhanced my overall mood and caused me to imagine some bizarre things that made no sense (I really can't remember what they were). It was at least 5 a.m. by this point and the sun was beginning to come up. I remember looking out the window and seeing the tree by the window changing as if it was rapidly aging. It looked very animated, as if it was in a cartoon. It started to wilt and melt as if it was liquid and very fragile at the same time and I noticed that the lines on the leaves were much sharper and drawn out.

This was about the time the bad started happening. I went in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I completely flipped out at this point because I noticed that my skin seemed to be changing colors somehow and I saw another image of myself standing right behind me. My eyes were so dilated that they looked completely black and I looked like I was vibrating. This scared me, so I decided to lie down and listen to more music. This didn't help and only managed to scare me even worse. I called J on the phone and woke him up and asked him for help. I talked to him for what seemed like hours about stupid things that made no sense. He tried to calm me down and sounded pissed off that I woke him up.

I calmed down a little bit but I was still freaking out at everything in my room. All my posters were changing and coming to life. The people in one of them started moving and shaking their heads at me. In another one of them, the faces started changing colors and shades. The last one was a drawing of London at night, and I noticed that the hands on Big Ben seemed to be moving. This may not sound that bad, but remember my parents were coming home not too long from then and I could not fall asleep no matter how hard I tried. I even took a hot shower, but I was so numb from the XTC that I couldn't even feel the warmth of the water on my body. It was very unpleasant despite what many people had said about taking showers while rolling.

The dealer's friend said that Acid only lasted six hours at the longest. Everybody who had taken that before had only had six hour trips so I was freaking out already because it was at least 9 a.m. and they would be home soon. By this point and I was tripping VERY hard. I became extremely scared and started hearing scary vibrations and echoes throughout my house. Everytime I moved my hands, I had a series of trails/tracers following it. I decided to call the dealer's friend on the phone and after much confusion in finding his number and trying extremely hard to dial it, I managed to somehow. We talked for a while and he sounded alarmed that I was all by myself. He tried to calm me down and after a while of talking to him, I was able to finally calm down again.

We got off the phone and things got even worse. At this point I was desperately thirsty and was drinking lots of water and sweating like crazy in fear. I don't even know what I was so scared of, I was just extremely terrified at this point. Maybe it was the sounds in my house, or that my hands and arms were vibrating everytime I looked down at them. My arm hairs started to grow and wrap around my arms. I tried calling several of my friends, but nobody answered. I finally called some of my old friends who live far away who had just helped one of their friends out of a bad acid trip and told them what was happening and what I'd taken.

At this point, I was screaming for help. I was in tears because I was so scared. I thought I was dying, I felt like my whole body was shutting down. I went into spells of feeling extremely cold and then extremely hot. She talked to me for a while and calmed me down somehow a little bit. By now though, I was very very scared. My heart was beating so fast it sounded like a machinegun in my ears. I was shaking all over, wrapped up in blankets crying. I felt so pathetic and so helpless in that state and most of all, terrified. I have never been so scared in my entire life. I honestly thought I was dying.

She kept telling me I was going to be okay and that I was just imagining it, but I wasn't imagining the physical things like the horrible horrible pains in my stomach and the terrible pain in my back. I felt sick to my stomach and wanted to throw up so bad, but I couldn't. I knew I had too much, I could feel it in my body. The XTC and Acid combined was way too much for my body to handle. I even prayed to God, I said a long long prayer asking him for help and forgiveness for what I'd done. I did not want to die, not like that. I remember I kept looking at the time and would continue to freak out because only a minute or two had passed by when it seemed like hours had gone by. Things got even worse...I looked up at another poster of mine of the computer game Doom 3, and the demon in the picture turned into some kind of spider and crawled out of the picture and lashed his jaws at me. I was terrified and my friend and her dad were trying so hard to help calm me down but it was no use.

As if things couldn't get any worse, my parents walked in the door downstairs. I started yelling for help. My mom started freaking out, hung the phone up on my friend and her dad, and called 911. My dad yelled at her for doing it and then yelled at me for being so stupid. I was hysterically crying, begging them not to call the cops and have me arrested. I knew I needed to get to a hospital or I was going to die. I was so thirsty I felt like I was in a desert because my mouth felt as dry as sandpaper. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it was about to jump out of my chest. It was so bright outside I couldn't keep my eyes open. My parents drove me to the ER and all I remember is begging them to forgive me and that I would never do drugs ever again if I survived. A few times during the ride, I felt my chest tighten up and thought I was having a heart attack but then it stopped. The next few hours I spent in the ER, and I don't remember what happened except everything was extremely blurry and there were lots of noises all around me and people running around.

When I came to, I was still hallucinating but I felt a lot better. The one thing that did still scare me was my Mom's face because everytime I tried to look at her, her whole face would begin to melt and her facial expressions would twist into awful, orge like impressions. I also remember looking at some of the charts in the ER room and watching them change and become animated and saw bugs crawling all over the ceiling that my Mom told me weren't really there. We finally left and I remember how ashamed I felt and freaked out at how the lines on the road seemed to blend together and that every car had trails following it down the road. I was still scared, but at least I didn't die. The doctors in the ER told me I was severely dehydrated.

I will never again do any drugs. Acid changed my life. I am very thankful that I survived that nightmare.

Posted by killerjeff - May 18th, 2008

To start a house fire you first need to purchase a decent HDTV with a television stand that is barely big enough to hold it. Along with your T.V. you need at least two video game consoles, both equipped with component cables, as well as a 5.1 surround sound system. All of this will ensure you have plenty of wiring to get you started on your house fire.

Next, it's preferable that your computer and television are no more than four inches apart. This way all of those wires by your T.V. can get jumbled up with the wires running out of your computer.

Also, make sure you have a splitter to maximize the amount of wires coming from your video game consoles into your television. We don't want to have to unplug and plug things in over and over again when we can just have it all plugged in at once!

Now that we have all the basics, it's time to place the cables in their appropiate spots. It's best to just toss them all in the corner of your room, inbetween your T.V. and computer, and just leave them as a tangled mess. Don't forget to have at least two power strips full of plugs buried beneath all of your cables. It's also a bonus if the phone line in your house is conveniently placed in your room coming out of your wall, this way you have even more cables in one coagulated spot! As well as all that, it's also fun when your telephone is added to the mess. Nothing is better than having your phone just lay on the ground because you can't put it anywhere else. If you try putting it on the desk it will just get yanked right back off to the ground because of all the wires tangled around it, so you just let it lay nestled on the floor.

And, for the grand finale, to make sure everything will burn properly, you need to live in a house with wiring dating back to 1957. Old wiring is always a must. If you don't lose power at least once a week and have to go out to the cold ass garage and fuck with the breaker, then your wiring isn't old enough. To find out if you have old wiring all you need to do is turn on all the televisions in your house and start up a vacuum. If your power doesn't die, then your wiring isn't old enough.

These are just some of my tips on how to start a good house fire. Feel free to experiment and find your own fun ways. Just make sure that when your house fire DOES happen, that you are prepared for it with a jolly smile on your face, as you, your family, and all the belongings you spent way too much fucking money on burn to oblivion :)


Posted by killerjeff - April 17th, 2008

Let me guess, you think that just because you think you are the best thing that was ever born, that you should become mod.
Well sorry to burst your bubble, its not happening so just quit before it gets worse.
And then you get to the point where you send me homosexual pictures of your self being naked, and claim that its a lie when I expose your secret messages to everyone. Now look its realy uncalled for, and I think that you should stop by passing my block on the Private Message page.

And for all who don't know who I'm talking about. it is about LastSpartan.

Cheers mate. . . Cheers. . .

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Posted by killerjeff - April 10th, 2008

Stork.Stork (voiced by Scott McNeil) is the carrier pilot of the Storm Hawks, and as such does not actively fly with the rest of the squadron, nor does he wish to for that matter. He states in the pilot that his tenure with the Storm Hawks will only last "until something better comes along.". Stork is a 20 year old Merb, a species of green-skinned humanoids that inhabit Terra Merb, an environment where natural disasters are constantly occurring, possibly accounting for Stork's personality.

Apparently a product of his home, Stork is paranoid of everyone and everything that could potentially harm him and the squadron. As such, Stork expects doom from every encounter to the point that, in his first battle, he begins filling out his own will, only to discard it upon realizing that all his possessions are on board the ship and thus would be destroyed along with him. Stork's paranoia results in extreme pessimism, as he often disregards any possibility of survival or finds the most depressing way in which to express the odds of surviving an encounter. He's also a hypochondriac, often complaining of an apparently growing yet never visible rash or some other ailment.

Stork's paranoia does have benefits, however, since he's a brilliant inventor. His devices, though never used as intended, are often incredibly useful or life-saving. For example, he invented a pair of x-ray binoculars, which he had designed to locate brain tumors. Stork also displays extreme ingenuity and resourcefulness during "The Code", in which he builds a versatile motorcycle from a pile of scrap within moments. He also has numerous traps set up about the ship, which the others criticize; they inevitably turn out useful, further validating Stork's paranoia.

Stork is a gifted pilot, capable of pulling off precision maneuvers with the Condor. For example, in the pilot episode he is able to successfully fly the Condor through the Wastelands, a stunt considered crazy to do for single pilots, much less an entire carrier. Stork apparently feels much more at home in the ship than anywhere else to the point that he dislikes leaving it if at all possible. It's also where he retreats to at the first opportunity. He's much more confident while on the ship, enough so to single-handedly fight the Raptors when they board it using the onboard traps. When the Condor is swallowed whole by a terra-sized creature in the episode "Leviathan", Stork suffers from a condition known as Sky Shock, going through a number of strange phases before taking on the personality (and stereotypical accent) of a pirate and fighting to free the ship, only to suffer the final phase of memory loss after doing so.

Stork also invented his own personalized ride, the Stork-Mobile, for the Storm Hawks' excursion into the Forbidden City. The Stork-Mobile features a number of safety devices of Stork's own design; these include a booby-trap detector, indestructible tires, a roll bar, parachutes, anti-lock brakes, 52 independent external airbags, and an ejector seat (Stork insists "you always need an ejector seat" which, like all his inventions, turns out to be useful). Despite its appearance, the Stork-Mobile can fly: the front wheels form two secondary rotors, the main rotor emerges from a compartment behind the seat, and the two rear wheels form the tail rotor.

Posted by killerjeff - March 30th, 2008

Dead guy

this is


Posted by killerjeff - March 26th, 2008

"I was mistaken for a mortal." Growled the shadow figure.
"It won't happen again, I'll make sure of it."
"Then prove to me that this soul will be tormented." Exlaimed the other figure.

I was awoken by a noise that sounded like a backfire of a vehicle, I was shaking in bed hoping it was a waking dream. But I still went to go take a look, I grabbed my revolver from the head of my bed, just in case I needed to use it. I opened the door slowly so whatever was out there would not be alerted to my presence.

I looked down the stairs silently then walked down, I saw this shadow in the corner of my eye, I quickly looked at door way to my kitchen but no one was there.

"What the hell?" I whispered walking slowly to the dark kitchen, as I got to the kitchen I started to hear whispering and hearts pounding, I was starting to panic, I started to shake even more, as I turned around this shadow ran across from me from the stairway to the front door. I started to yell "WHO'S THERE?!?" no one replied, I loaded my gun then ran to the area where the figure ran at.

I saw the shadow standing in front of the door, it was facing the door, I was starting to panic "I have a gun, explain your self. . . n-now." I said bewildered. the figure turned around in a split second facing me. I froze in place, I pointed the gun at the figure and shot the gun at the shadow's feet. the shadow started to laugh in a satanic voice. I tried to run but I couldn't, I looked down to find out that my feet was somehow mixed with the ground, I yelled for help until my mouth was automaticly sewn shut. I shot more bullets into the creature, it waved it's arm and my gun melted right into my hand, the burning pain was horrible my flesh was falling of my hand.

after I got over the pain the figure started to talk "you are in the past, the man behind you lies. don't listen to him." the figure suddenly dissapered. the curse that was put on me has vanished, I turned around and this face was two inches a way from my face, it started to yell then everything went dark. . .

I woke up gasping, I sat on my bed looking around cooly. " oh man, what a dream." I said happily. I got up and walked outside my bedroom, I looked at the main door while walking down the stairs. I triped on a hole while going towards the door, I thought about the dream of where my feet was melted to the floor. I just said "ha, this dream is getting me paranoid." so I walked out the door. my house was real huge, infact its the second most expensive house in the united states. it is real nice looking, and it is a maze of a house.

I live in a three hundred acre land with only three neibors. it was winter, the snow was three inches deep. I was walking to my shed to get my machete to cut wood for the fireplace, because it was very cold, I went inside to get my jacket, I got in it then contiued to start working. I cutted a piece of wood off the tree. "if only you had an axe." I looked up and saw my friend edward, he was tall with green eyes, and with black hair. "yeah, but this works to" I said cooly.
"so whats this your doing?" asked edward. "I'm just getting some firewood."
I replied "don't you have a heater?"
"yes, why?" questioned edward. "because I'm cold dude." I said.
"do you want it?" asked edward. "no can I come in your house" I asked.
"sure, you must be freezing your ass off in that house huh?" said edward.

I nodded, as we got in his house he turned on his xbox360. I was just sitting there looking out the window thinking about the dream. I was thinking in my head "could that dream be a sign, of whats coming? I've heard rumors of my house being haunted. could it be. . ." "hey jeff." interupted edward. "want to play halo three?" "no thanks man." I replied. I walked to the bathroom, I washed my face then looked up and said "I'm okay, I'm okay." I came to the living room and sat down on the couch. edward paused the game and looked up "whats the matter? you seem like you had a bad night." said edward.
"as a matter of fact I did." I answered. " it was like this. . . I woke up over a loud noise, I was scared dude. so I walked down the stairs, and hear the fucked up sounds right. I'm standing in the kitchen, scared for my life. until this shadow zoomed across from me. oh yes I had a gun too. as I shoot at it, it gets mad and basicly tourchers me, then I look behind me and BOOM I die." edward looked suprised "wow thats fucked up." he said.

so we played some games, as it got late I went home. it was dark inside so I turned on the lights, I turned on the tv to watch some cartoons.
I fell asleep on the couch, until it happened. I was falling into a deep hole where water was, I was falling for three hundred seconds until I hitted the bottom. under water there was a rotting corpse of a giant. I swam to this doorway like cave, the more I gotten farther in the cave the less deeper the water was. as I cound run, I saw this girl in a school uniform. she asked me for her help as I came closer I woke up. it was 3:00am. the phone was ringing, I ran to the phone to answer it. "who could be calling me at this time?" I thought.
I answerd it "before you were born, I saw the floating woman in the library."
I hung up and ran out the door, I ran to my car and found out that the keys were in the ignition.

"oh thank god." I said starting the car. the floating woman appeared at my porch. I started to yell "OH FUCK!" as the car started, I drove off the drive way was dark I was real paranoid. in a flash I could see a man hitch hiking, I drove on. the car started to stop, as it did the woman skimmed on my car I fainted. I woke up on the couch of my house, it turned out a day did not even pass. I decied to go to my friend's house. I was beginning to think I was losing my sanity, as I rushed pass the trees to edward's house, I was hoping this was not real or it could mean death to me and my friend.

I looked into the window of his house, he was playing halo 3 once more. I knocked on the door, edward came out with weed in his hand "hey jeff I'm going on a halo quest with fatty here, wanna join the cause. . . uhhh?" said edward staggering. "later, also can I crash with you?" I asked. "I'am still getting nightmares from that hell house." edward looked back in his house, "yer, sure but you gots to sleep on the pallet man." he replied. "if you say so." I said walking into the house.

"you know, I don't like germs on my couch or bed." said edward.
I looked at the clock "3:33 already?" I said suprised. "its getting dark."
"rumors are rumors jeff." said edward annoyed. "here. . . smoke this."
edward handed me a one pound joint. "I don't smoke weed." I said handing it back to him. "it gets you jacked up."
edward sat down on the ground in front of the tv and unpaused the game. "fine dude but. . . if. . . you want to smoke here it is setting on the table." edward said pointing to the table.
I looked at the unused controler setting under the xbox360. "how about I face you in juggernaut?" I asked.
edward looked at me then grinned "fuck you. . . sure."
the hours passed till it hit 8:00pm, I slept on the pallet while edward slept on the couch. "hey edward?" I asked.
edward looked down "don't call me that call me ed okay?" said edward.
"sure, but can I ask you something?" I said.
"okay what?" said edward.
"if I start to move around, wake me up okay?" I said.
"fine." said edward as he turned over and went back to sleep.

I closed my eyes and for a moment this message was telling me to wake up the soul. what could it mean was it just nothing? all this sudden I could see my neighborhood from a bird's eye point of view, I was flying over my house into the window of my bedroom, down the stairs, to the library as I stopped in the middle of the library this book floated to me and opened up and the pages turn quickly to this page of a woman with horrifing features. then another person,
until it got to me my picture was real horroifing I looked evil, under my picture was unborn. as the book closed the cover said "faces of death."
this man appeared holding the book, he wore pure black leather, and a face mask. "who was this man? what does he want?"
the mysterious man dropped the book and flew up the spiraling staircase.

I followed the man, as I got half way up the staircase the same face from my dream appeared again. I could not breath, all I heard was screaming, the face talked to me real fast and brief, "don't stray to far, the tunnel lies ahead."
the face said. after it faded, I saw a dark tunnel ahead of me.
until I woke up.
the pallet was wet with sweat, edward was asleep on the ground. I was getting worried that I could be connected to something that could harm or even murder me. so I decided to find out whats going on.
"what the fuck was all that shit jeff?" yelled edward.
I looked back, "did I do something?" I asked comfused.
"you were running around the house talking in latin." said edward. "and it did not scare me."
I looked at the door in confusion. "what do you mean latin?" I said.

edward started to look worried and frightend. "so. . . if you were sleep walking then. . . you spoke latin, did you ever got taught in latin?" asked edward.
"why no. I have not, look you probaly just thought I was speaking in a forgein language." I said relieved.
edward was still shooken up, "what about the running?" edward said in a stern tone.
"err, dude I don't know, I guess I do have a sleep walking issue." I reasured him.
he started to calm down. "yeah, just a phase." edward said patting his couch.
I looked out the window, seeing the bright sun I squinted my eyes "yeah, edward just a phase, anyway I'll go to my house." I said walking slowly backwards.
edward waved "alright see ya later."

I walked back home in the some how deeper snow, the sun was oddly shining very bright, and it was also hot and cold at the same time. I walked up to my porch and sat down in my chair that was facing the view of the snowy forest. I looked around thinking about driving to town, so I decided to take a drive "after all the drive might calm my nerves." I thought getting in the car.

I started the car, but it took a few trys to get it started, by the time it got started I was getting concerned about that dream. "I should just stop worrying, just a dream!" a whispered to myself. the visions were vivid and disturbing, but I merely just shook my head. I drove my car off already passing edward's house. the dirt and rocky road was along way to the vacant neighborhood. so I got the chance to put on some music. I was enjoying the time to drive my car, the snow flowing seemed to ease me more.

the road started to fog up and the trees started to get closer to the path, I was getting a little creeped out, all I did was drive a bit quicker, the sounds of the wilderness got louder and started to echo more.

the car started to over heat and the fog got thicker, in fact I could not see a thing, only white. tree branches started to hit the car, and red mist started to form around the car when ever I got deeper, I started to shake in horror telling myself "oh shit is this real?!?" I was mortified to stop the car, as I feared that a unknown beast could ram my car, the sounds of a sheep started to make it's way into my car. I then pushed the accelration pedal to it's maxuim.

the ground started to fog up, I looked up into the sky I saw the sun, then these red letters appeared on the sun the letters said
"don't look back."
I had a close to death shock. this head of a snake like humanoid came right beside me, I looked at the horrorific sight, in a split second the snake like man was on the hood of my car, I jumped out of the moving car going about 170miles per hour.

I awoke in edward's drive way, edward was standing in front of me. "jeff are you playing around?" asked edward. "you like making snow angels?"
I got up quickly, "yes I'am." I replied.
edward looked like he was going to laugh. "jeff? have you been taking drugs?" laughed edward.
I started to become tired all of the sudden, "no, I was just enjoying the snow."
I said in a rough voice.
edward looked at me real closely "good thing I'm not rotting."
I looked at my arm, my flesh was rotten to the point of two years, I looked up and saw that a skeleton was standing before me, a huge siren was going off.
then everything was back to normal.
"good thing your not huh?" said edward.
I looked real closely in shock "yes, indeed, hey dude, I feel tired I'm going to rest awhile ok?" I said getting up.
"alright see ya later, once again." said edward walking away.

I walked inside my house, putting away my jacket on the coat rack that was right by the front door. my eyes were heavy, and I wanted to fall where I stood.

the time was 2:08pm, so I just sat on the couch, and turned on the tv.
five minutes later, I was barely awake, so I fell asleep. I awoke in the middle of the night knowing that something scary might happen to me.
"damn, this is not good." I said in a stern tone. "I better get out of this house."
I ran to the front door as quickly as possible, I opened the door, but I scraped my leg at the edge of the door.
I got over the pain before stepping onto the lower step of my porch, thinking to myself that maybe I'm just over reacting. but I took no chances.

the hours passed, the wind was blowing cold air, and making howling sounds.
even though I was a little spooked by the fact that the howling may not be the wind, nevertheless I was focused on getting warm, so I gave up.

I slowly opened the door, I peeked in there. gladly every thing looked normal, the tv was still on aswell.
I calmly turned on the light switch and closed the door, although I was still on my guard.
the air inside was oddly warm, until I noticed the air vents blowing hot air. my heart was pounding out of paranoia; I went off to bed.

the sun was now visible, and the shine of the sun lit up my bedroom. out of all nothing odd happened. "all I needed was some sleep!" I assumed getting out of bed.
I rushed to the kitchen to get drink, I took a carton of milk and drank out of it, I then gagged on the milk that turned out to be spoiled. "what the hell happen to the milk?" I said looking around in the fridge. every thing in the fridge was rotten. I was upset, "how did this happen, I don't remember unplugging the fridge." I said in a tone looking behind the fridge.

I plugged the fridge back up, I grabbed a jacket to walk outside.
the snow has gotten even deeper than before, and more trees started to grow around my house. although they were very extravagant, so I decided to climb up the tree.
I walked up to tree and started to climb, it was difficult to climb, as they were pine trees,
so I just quited and went in the back yard, I found a spade buried in the snow, I studied the spade seeing if its mine and of course it was. the snow started to go another direction, because of the wind blowing.

I rushed inside my house, until I was tripped by the small hole in the floor.
"I have to be more careful." I said getting up.
to kill time I could look around my house, because my home is real huge on the inside.
as the hours passed I dozed off to sleep on the bed, and the time was only 10:36am.
the dream has arrived.

Alright, this is the first chapter of the story, and I will do a next chapter soon.
Give me a review on what you think about the story.

Posted by killerjeff - February 26th, 2008


just spam this place up!!!!1

btw it's BEETLEJUICE!!!!!! OMFG!!!

beetlejuice: bad to the bone b-b-b-b-b-bad, b-b-b-b-b-bad bad to the bone.
