I'm the guy who made Jeff the Killer. Send all hate mail to here!

Jeff Case @killerjeff

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/7/06

Exp Points:
4,354 / 4,440
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Vote Power:
6.22 votes
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I've either seldomly visit Deviant Art just for a moment to answer questions or submit deviations, and at times would be absent for long periods of time; leaving people to assume I might have died.

Aside from the stalkers that would dox me to try to get with me or to mess with me, from prank pizza deliveries to the FBI standing outside my house asking questions because some fans can't tell fiction from reality.

It's also been a bit overwhelming having to answer 80 private messages and 200 comments; what's gotten me to stay away for a while was this one user who I'll keep anonymous for the sake that they could be right.

I've had a couple of crazy young people who would claim to be related to me or being their long lost daughter. Hilariously, I'd get messages from teens claiming to be my father. Of course I'd laugh along with it and shine them on. However, about 3 years ago, the anonymous that I speak of had also claimed to be my son. I didn't seem out of the ordinary and he was adamant. I humored him and asked him some questions about himself; what he said shook me to my core. He told me things he knew that I've never divulged to anyone on the internet, not even my decomposing Facebook profile.

He told me his mothers name was the same name of this girl I knew in high school back in Missouri near summer of 2008 and had a great friendship with her. Until one day; being hormone addled teens we all are decided to sneak into the janitors office and had intercourse. He told me he was born in the same state where it all occurred. He managed to track me down because his mother still remembered me and told him the truth since he was young and has been waiting to speak to me. He calls himself by my last name in admiration for me, and wants to meet me.

I never had a contact like that before in my life and I can't tell if it's just a troll with really good info or I actually have a son I never knew about for 15 years.

So in short I possibly might be a dad and never knew it. I feel terrible not ever knowing and being to scared to contact him back. I'm unsure he's really my son, but the evidence he's given really points to it. To ignore it would make me a deadbeat father, however, if he's not my son but a troll or a scammer and I fall for a potential trap it can make my life harder.

So to anyone who still remembers me and misses me, that's a major reason a top of other reasons I've not been on DA for a long time. All that aside, I'm still focusing on making a Jeff the Killer story, from the time he wasn't disfigured, to the time he became a psychopath and all the way until he retired his murderous way. Including more series that will be made as an anthology. Same world, but different stories being told.

Thank you all for being there to support me for so long and to the newcomers whom I welcome with open arms.

I won't be gone from DA for good, only just until I can get my personal life stable.

Much love, Sesseur/Killerjeff (Jeff Case)


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