I'm the guy who made Jeff the Killer. Send all hate mail to here!

Jeff Case @killerjeff

Age 31, Male




Joined on 6/7/06

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@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff hold on a minute! are you Mr. Malholland who posted this image? https://pya.cc/pyaimg/pimg.php?imgid=17882?

Nope, it's a different guy. I'm surprised you found some more pictures of Jeff posted on that site. If you find the third picture I took with Jeff next to a bathtub smiling to the camera from that site I'll literally kiss you.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff if it is a different guy that means you did not create the image

Sure, my man, sure.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff https://pya.cc/pyaimg/pimg.php?imgid=17882? it says white powder part 2! um is it a mask or just makeup! if you are jeff the killer show me a photos of the mask! also show me the ACTUAL unphotoshopped version instead of the one with googly eyes and the photo is actually a girl and you are a boy! tell us the truth! it is not you wearing a mask or seassur wearing a mask or you in a costume tell! me! the! truth!

The mask was long lost. How it was made was a latex mask with a wig then touched up with photoshop to get the smile and dark rings around the eyes. The actual un-photoshopped version was the one you posted to me.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff if you are the actual jeff the killer show me a photo of yourself with jeff the killer image for identification

I created Jeff the Killer, but my identity wouldn't really prove anything. There's pictures of me around here, some on my DA too if you're interested.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff stop lying you created the story but not the photo! tell us the truth or i will call the police on you for lying about the image

Think what you want my man.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff also why the hell would jeff use acid to clean out is bathtub

In times of persistent clogs people tend to use acid to break away the drainage. Acid is used to break down substances, it can be used for washing. Anyone who is of adult age would be familiar with the practice.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff you did not created the jeff the killer image! Mr. Malholland did

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff is that you in your profile

No, more of... a very prominent icon.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff https://aki0906.exblog.jp/1930040/ wait a minute! if you created the image explain this

Now that, I don't recall.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff in the unedited jeff the killer photo is it your real mouth or part of the mask?

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff where is the bloody mary type game you made! is there a download link

Nah, it was more of a prototype joke urban legend I gave to Jeff before or during the making of his introductory YouTube video back in 2008. I didn't start taking it all seriously until 2011 when I had enough support to motivate me to make Jeff into something for real.

@IssacSmith You're pretty good. you figured out that the katy robinson story was just hysteria from the two pictures being so similar in some striking aspects. like blowing peoples minds upon the realization that jeff the killer could be a girl. And in being so similar it makes people unable to see that theyre clearly impossible to be the same picture. although they have similaritys, the similaritys are the only thing that make the katy robinson picture suspect, but those similarities are fake, in that they could be 98 percent similar in every regard, yet in every regard being 2 percent different makes it incredibly unlikely to be the same. so in turn the heather white picture, even though much more believable looking, must be fake, i assume u did see this video right https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XSvLKhTA2I8&t=1233s judging from how u knew about the latex mask story(altho i guess @killerjeff did hav a comment about that in this thread), and the nnnbroadcasting video. and how you came to the conclusion that jeff in fact must be a girl, i assume ur familiar with the katy robinson story. but uve digged deep enough to find that pya.cc post even when this big youtuber couldnt find it. and u are correct to be stumped on the chin, its the only thing that doesnt make sense to how the image was photoshopped. and i never thought of the posiblility that it could be a sketch. Although its not a sketch. on the top head hair theres some spots with a slight aura of blue, this couldnt be on a sketch, and it doesnt seem like the type of thing ud use color for on a rather completely black and white thing. it could be decompression, but blue decompression generally comes between when the image is taken and posted. decompression of white when the jpg is online and being shared and shrunk and defabricated and stuff generally would make it yellowish. not to mention sketching a face on this image of a room and that being the original that got edited to have a mouth and eyes seems like an odd unlikely series of events.
but you r wrong on a couple of things, for one the eyes, they arnt googly eyes. theyre mr potato head eyes. and ur idea of what happened is implausible, i think u knew but mightve forgot is this goofy version is the original jeff the killer, u can tell by the upload date on pya of the two, and by the mouth, the mouth is edited to be stretched in the one, whereas the other its completely normal and not de-stretched, so the not stretched one had to be first. and the person who took the pic is likely to hav made the first edit whitepowder the goofy version, but theres no way the wouldve made the scary one, the first one involved taking pre-existing pictures and putting them onto this face, whereas the scary one involved warping of the mouth using a more hi-tech photoshop software than mspaint (while whitepowder couldve been made on mspaint) and drawing a a slightly dark white cross on the face to give shading, and completely drawn eyes. the people that made these two pictures have completely different artistic backgrounds and skillset, not to mention vision, they were going for two totally different ideas. not to mention two different accounts posted the two pictures.
The conclusion that it must be a girl is based on hair length and cheekbones, is wise,
and is wrong. although the person appears to be a girl, a boy is the only gender directly implicated to be involved; the shirts in the closet are mens shirts. this means a boy either took the picture of his girl friend (which creates the imaginable scenario of the boyfriend hanging out with the girl and teasingly photoshopping her picture then they post it), or its a boy with long hair, which might actually be more likely than a girl with this short of hair.
And a more accurate translation of white powder is oshiroi, white powder is too literal becuz theres no english equivilent becuz its an artform, so oshiroi is a japan word thats used in english.
But mainly u seem to be much to hung up on seuser/killerjeff even though all your instincts and knowledge tell u hes lying. if he didnt make the picture, only popularized it in america by giving it a name, then he logically shouldnt know anything more about the picture than anyone else. so u must still feel a strong sense of curiosity towards whether or not sueser made it since hes the only one to claim he made it and its hard to just write him off as a liar even tho u know its quite likley. but most definitely is not the creator of the image. for proof he doesnt have a mole on his chin, two it cannot be a mask, its far to completely white, the very subtle contures of the white shirt show up as being different shades, this shows that the flash wasnt that bright, theres no way that a nose couldnt cast any shade at all even if completly white. so the face mustve been painted over after the picture was taken. And @killerjeff, if ur reading this and wanna prove me wrong to myself, send me a picture of your wrist, u still hav it and ud be willing to send it cuz theres no way that u know that it can definitivley suggest whether or not u made it

What. The. Literal. Fuck?

So @IssacSmith i would like to hire you as an assistant to work with me on this case. and if you solve it, then u get to join the investigative task force. so far theres me Cum Detetive, and inspector anime. right now ull be filling the shoes of inspector anime while shes on break. if u were to become an official meme-mystery-gang investigator your title alias would be The Hentai Prince. but for the time being i will call you squire-boy.
i have a very large case file on jeff the killer that ill send to u via puzzle encryption if you choose to accept. theres an abundance of links to look further into, and questions to answer. mainly we will be trying to efficiently scour through the entirety of the internet using varying unique efficient means, like for instance trying to figure out the most likely search engine in 2003 japan to find the source of the mouth picture, stuff like that. and we'll basically do loads of searching and tasks and basically do everything we can think of until something sticks, and if nothing does we'll begin trying to get the picture using more creative methods. but your first task is to try to find white powder pt1 on pya aswell as any other posts by mr mullholland, or any note worthy post that u think could mean something, especially ones with girls kissing eachother, these pictures will play a vital role later in the investigation trust me, so collect every picture with a kawaii girl you find, especially moderately bi kawaii girls. you shall start here https://pya.cc/pyaimg/pimg.php?imgid=10000? about 5000 posts before white powder and work your way forward, and i will start from here https://pya.cc/pyaimg/pimg.php?imgid=17882? and work my way backwards.
i noticed, jeff the killer is japanese, and it translates to jefu za kira, so we're looking for kira, which sounds pretty cool.

Hey Sesseur, I know you didn't make that original image. Everyone knows it by now. I don't know what you want, but if you want fame then you might as well admit you didn't make it and where you found it... Although, how did you randomly stumble upon it on pya.cc? I'm assuming you found it from somewhere else..probably.

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff why did your channel get deleted

@IssacSmith sorry I was imprisoned by a lunatic for a couple months, but I'm back and badder than ever. But I can't see what's on that discord link, I'm guessing it was an invite that expired

@IssacSmith @killerjeff @killerjeff You ARE UNDER ARREST! if you explain you created jeff the killer! then explain THIS! https://twitter.com/miyama/status/1430196235185524740

Oh lord

What the fuck did I stumble a pawn

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